Bauteile-Distribution: Herstellerunabhängig, bedarfsoptimiert, kosteneffzient.

Component distribution:
demand-optimised, cost-efficient.

Knowing the market
Understanding Technology


As a distributor independent from any manufacturer, we can better focus on the actual needs of our customers. We won’t bind you to a line-card, but offer you exactly the components which completely harmonize with your technical and commercial circumstances.


Broad Portfolio

We deliver to you all kinds of electronic components: passive, active, discreet and electromechanical components.


Manufacturer-independent supply

Depending on your actual needs, we will advice you and supply you with cost-efficient products by many different manufacturers – from A as in “ALLEGRO” to Z as in “ZILOG”.


Technical support

Our technical background helps us to better understand your procedures in the area of logistics and production and to discuss with you possible alternatives and comparative solutions in order to develop from this approach high quality solutions and cost advantages strategically.


Long-term material supply

In order to guarantee the long-term supply of the by you needed materials, we offer framework agreements for your convenience as well as proper advice on strategical parts.


Programing services

To shorten the terms associated with manufacturing, above all when it comes to the master sample approvals and pilot series, we are offering the in-house programming of semiconductors in small quantities.


Component preparation

For the ideal adjustment on your specific production environment, we take over the repackaging efforts in cooperation with external partners  (e.g., to belt) as well as the mechanic processing of the components delivered by us (among other things cut to length, transforming, beading).

Manufacturer Overview

As an independent distributor, we sell components of all manufacturers.
Below, you may find an extract from our program:

Five reasons for TronicPool




Cost Efficiency

Schnelligkeit und Liefertreue

Fast and reliable delivery

Hohe Beratungskompetenz

High advisory skills

Breites Leistungsspektrum

Broad portfolio