Material Kitting: Synergetisch, entlastend, zeit- und kostenoptimiert.

Material Kitting:
Synergetic, relieving,
time and cost-optimised.

Knowing the market
Understanding technology

Material Kitting

We do not only deliver single parts, but also complete material sets for your assembly. Important for you: This enables you to fully concentrate on your core business while not having to deal with the purchase of every single part and, at the same time, minimizing all quality and deadline risks. In addition, the outsourcing of this service brings you significant cost advantages.


Saving of time trough more efficient purchase

Our technical expertise and market knowledge enables us to standardise your BOM efficiently in terms of price and delivery time, and to reduce the time spent on purchasing. Unlike mechanical BOM converters, we recognise all the items in the BOM correctly. Our product selection is not limited to a fixed product range.


Shorter delivery times

The delivery time of a material kit depends on the components with the longest delivery time. Due to our business and its global network and cooperation with many distributors and traders worldwide, we can get you the materials you need fast, and more important to absolutely favorable conditions. In addition, our technical expertise allows us to quickly identify available alternatives.


Significant savings

Our experience in the management of material sets and our technical background enables us to understand your logistics and production process and to advice you in regards to a possible optimization by a rationalization of the article selection (multiple use of similar components), as well as to make you aware of alternatives and comparative modules leading to quality and cost advantages.


Excess material

Predefined packaging units (VPE) or minimum order quantities (MOQ) required by manufacturers or suppliers often result in excess material. Our knowledge of the market enables us to buy excess material in an optimised way without compromising quality. In our quotation we indicate the expected amount of excess material. Depending on your requirements, we will work with you to develop intelligent solutions to reduce this cost factor.


Reduced administrative costs

We take over the complete system-technical mapping of the material set (master data compilation, determination of material requirements, order handling, supervision of suppliers) for you. Your order processing is being decreased to the order of one position. You will receive a delivery with all required components and have a bill at your disposal once the material set is complete and you are able to start production. This is a real statement, which enables you to fully concentrate on your core business.

Five reasons for TronicPool




Cost Efficiency

Schnelligkeit und Liefertreue

Fast and reliable delivery

Hohe Beratungskompetenz

High advisory skills

Breites Leistungsspektrum

Broad portfolio